Critical questions are important to us. They are the foundation of the inquiry-based learning in our classrooms. The Primary Years Programme guides our work “with a philosophical perspective on international education”, and “a curriculum framework of essential elements – knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes, and action” (IBO, 2007).
Together, our teachers and students generate questions to guide their inquiries into a variety of significant topics of study. As they develop their abilities as inquirers, students gain essential knowledge and skills and are encouraged to engage in responsible action. Their work is supported by a school climate that fosters positive attitudes and develops children’s capacity to be internationally-minded.
Through their work in the PYP, students:
Benefits of the PYP Programme:
The Primary Years Programme allows students to participate in large, transdisciplinary units each year, called Units of Inquiry (UOI). Each of these units:
Through these Units of Inquiry, the classroom becomes a centre of structured inquiry through which students acquire and practise skills and build new knowledge. These units are outlined in our school-wide Program of Inquiry (POI) and are carefully designed to build from one year to the next as a student progresses through the school.
We utilise the diversity in our student body to enhance the learning of the entire school, and we recognise and celebrate many different cultures. In doing so, we strive to develop students who are internationally-minded citizens with an understanding of their responsibility to the world.
Assessment is an ongoing process. Teachers use a variety of summative and formative assessment tasks to evaluate student performance and plan for further student learning. Feedback from assessment allows for the improvement of the overall program. Both students and teachers are engaged in assessing student progress. The reason for the assessment, as well as the criteria for assessment, is communicated to the students. Students frequently engage in self and peer assessment activities as they are important stakeholders in this process